Want To Spend Less Time On Your Phone? Get The Tips

Can you imagine your day without using your phone? Indeed, it would be difficult because we all have involved phones much in our routine so that we cannot even imagine our life without them. Do you know how much you spend your day on your phone? It must be the noticeable period of your day. According to the data of global tech care companies, Americans check their phones an average of 69 times a day and almost 3 hours of 15 minutes per day on mobile phones.

Are you wondering how to decrease the time spent on your phone? In this blog, we are breaking down simple tricks to help you to cut back your phone use. You can utilize that period for other purposes and will find yourself more focused, happier, and healthier.

Why Expend Less Time On Your Phone

It is not surprising to know that we all spend a lot of time of our day on our phones. And we often reply yourself that what is the big deal; it does not seem to cause the dangerous problem arising in our lives. But we are wasting much of our time of the day and there are many negative effects of this.

It has been found out in the study of university of Arizona that accusation of Smartphone usage enhances the signs of depression

The study of the University of Pennsylvania found that less usage of social media leads to an important enhancement in well-being. Smartphone usage decreases the ability to focus and attention span. But this is true that it does not affect every person on the same way, it can damage your mental health, issues with relationship and ability to focus.

Tips On How To Reduce Time On Your Phone

You need to be ready to face many difficulties to make small progress on the habit of quitting the habit. Let’s dive into the discussion:

 Follow Your Screen Time

No matter, you are an android or phone user, your phone has the feature to track the screen time of your phone. You can view the daily average time spent, on weekly basis, and also the most spent time applications. Most probably, you will be surprised by the fact that how much time you spend on your phone, you will find the motivation to change this habit due to this trick.

Make A Schedule To Spend Less Time On Your Phone

This is another way to work on your goal. Plan to set specific hours on the day when your phone is just available for the necessary communication. And then set some certain time to scroll social media and play games. That is how you will be able to limit yourself.

Turn Off Notifications

You may realize that the more notification we receive the more we find ourselves engaged on phones. Such as, you receive a notification from integral while you are busy in your office, you will spare your few seconds to reply. It happens when you have got your phone in your hand with the open apps, naturally, you start scrolling or responding. It is better to turn off the notification for the apps that are not much important to be active all the time.

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